Chippewa County Crime Stoppers would not be possible without the donations we have received to help support this website, P3 App, call center, marketing, and rewards! Thank you to the following Donors:
Jason S. Zunker Memorial Endowment Fund through the Community Foundation of Chippewa County (2022,2023)
Pederson Volker Funeral Chapel
Scott and Wendy Sullivan (2022,2023)
Colorado Real Estate School
David Crane
William and Mary Brunstad
Russell Champion
Thaler Oil
Norm Keller
Falls Septic & Landscaping LLC
Joe and Deborah Coughlin
Arts Snowmobile Salvage & ATV Inc
T & J Concrete Foundations, INC
Lukowitz Insurance
Ace Ethanol LLC
The Edge on Lake Wissota, INC
Dennis and Janice Metzdorf
Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative
Spring Street Sports, INC
Rooney Printing
JM Screen Printing and More, LLC
Town of Eagle Point
Factor Rivera
ZEP Restores, LLC
Tilden Lions Club
William Greenwood
Dean and Associates
Knights of Columbus Council #974 (2022,2023)
Citizen's State Bank Cares
Horan Funeral Home, Inc (2022, 2023)
W.S Darley & CO.
W & W Hardwoods, INC
Cadott Lions Club
Nanette Cooper
Chippewa Falls Elks Organization (2022,2023,2024)
Lake Wissota Lions Club
Chippewa County Community Foundation
Northwestern Bank Employees- Fundraiser
Chippewa Falls Lions Club
Video Pizzazz
Wisconsin Lions District 27-E1
Gaber Signs
Bresina's Tilden
Markquart Motors
Mason Companies, INC
Bob Hogseth
Women of the Moose Chapter 770
4imprint USA
Metzdorf Family
Champion Family
Keller Family
Jerry and Mary Jacobson